We are part of the 1E9 Community that starts its conference digital and live from the Deutsche Museum in Munich on 11th November 2020 with the topic “A new Humanity-A world in crisis. Is a better future still possible? Yes. If we work together to find solutions.”
A world in crisis. Is a better future still possible? Yes. If we work together to find solutions. At 1E9 THE_CONFERENCE 2020, we gather global thought leaders to share their visions for A NEW HUMANITY.
We are looking forward to the following program slots:
-> Sustainable, smart and always on the move: Let us build the perfect city of the future!
-> The 1E9 Community develops visions for a new humanity!
-> New Realities Pitches!
-> Protect. Empower. Transform. Technologies for a Sustainable and Just Future.
The detailed program of the 1E9 conference can be found on: